Probabilistic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam and Slab Deflections Using Monte Carlo Simulation

  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


It is not easy to correctly predict deflections of reinforced concrete beams and one-way slabs due to the variability of parameters involved in the calculation of deflections. Monte Carlo simulation is used to assess the variability of deflections with known statistical data and probability distributions of variables. A deterministic deflection value is obtained using the layered beam model based on the finite element approach in which a finite element is divided into a number of layers over the depth. The model takes into account nonlinear effects such as cracking, creep and shrinkage. Statistical parameters were obtained from the literature. For the assessment of variability of deflections, 12 cases of one-way slabs and T-beams are designed on the basis of ultimate moment capacity. Several results of a probabilistic study are presented to indicate general trends indicated by results and demonstrate the effect of certain design parameters on the variability of deflections. From simulation results, the variability of deflections relies primarily on the ratio of applied moment to cracking moment and the corre-sponding reinforcement ratio.



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