지역냉방시스템에의 적용을 위한 마찰저항감소 첨가물 특성 연구

Characteristics of Drag Reduction Additives in the Application of District Cooling System

  • 윤석만 (인하대학교 기계기술공동연구소) ;
  • 김종보 (인하대학교 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


District heating and cooling systems offer highly efficient energy utilization and maintenance by centralizing heat management. More pumping power, however, is required because the water has to travel long distance from heat source to the users. In the present study, a trace of drag reduction additives is added to the District Cooling system to achieve a significant drag reduction and save pumping power. Water-soluble polymers, surfactants, and environment-friendly degradable polymers are used as effective drag reducing additives. Time dependent percent drag reductions are compared for various additive solutions at 100 wppm concentration for different water velocity. Without as an anionic surfactant, copolymer was most effective in percent drag reduction. It is found that there exists an optimal condition when copolymer is mixed with SDS. An environment-friendly degradable polymer, xanthan gum, is found to be a significant drag reduction additive. Ice slurry systems, can give less pressure drops compared with chilled water system for certain condtions. Drag reduction additives were also effective for the ice slurry system.



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