도시 주부의 공평성 인지와 의사결정 유형에 관한 연구: 합산적/총체적 측정방법의 적용

A Study on the Perception of Equity & the Decision-Making Styles: Application of Summated/Global Measure

  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


While equity theory started as a theory focusing upon the relationship between employee and employer, over the years the theory has been expanded to various other types of relationships including marital relationships. The present research among 251 housewives examines the perception of equity and the decision-making styles from the perspective of equity theory. The perception of equity was measured by the revised TUW scales and the Walster's global measure. Also, decision-making styles was assessed by means of the 'final-say' scale In line with the predictions, the results clearly showed that the perception of equity was a strong predictor variable to the joint decision-making.
