바륨 현탁액과 메틸셀룰로스(Methylcellulose)를 사용한 변형 상부위장관조영술 :전통적 바륨조영술과의 비교

Modified Upper Gastrointestinal Study Using Methylcellulose After Administration of Barium Suspension : Comparison with Conventional Series

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


For comparison with conventional barium-gastrointestinal study, modified method using barium and methylcellulose was performed in 16 normal dogs (4-8 kg) divided into two groups. The group 1 received 8ml/kg of 40% w/v barium suspension only, and group 2 had taken 15 ml/kg of 0.6% w/v methylcellulose after administration 4 ml/kg of 40% w/v barium suspension by feeding tube. The barium suspension was prepared mixing full strength-barium suspension with water and methylcellulose solution was produced by blending methylcellulose sterilized water Sequential radiographs, lateral and ventrodorsal projections were obtained at 5 minute, 20 minute,40 minute. 60 minute and every 30 minutes thereafter, until the contrast is seen in the large intestine Inage qual- ity was rated by three veterinary radiologists as " poor" " fair ". "good", or "excellent" We analyzed the relationship between image quality,, transit time. Between two techniques, the modified method with 4ml of 40% w/v barium suspension and 15 ml of 0.6% w/v methylcellulose showed much better image quality ["excellent" result in 7 of the 8 subjects (88%)] and shorter transit time (107 minutes) toe the cecum. In addition, the best image quality was obtained at 20 and 40 minutes after admin-istration of contrast agent. It call be concluded the modified gastrointestinal study using methylcel-lulose after administration of barium suspension was a simple technique and easily improved the image quality and diagnostic accuracy of gstrointestinal disorders in small animal.racy of gstrointestinal disorders in small animal.



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