개에서 위운동에 관한 초음파 관찰

Ultrasonegraphic Observation of Gastric Motility in Dogs

  • 원현희 (경상대학교 수의과대학 동물의학연구소) ;
  • 최민철 (서울대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 이효종 (경상대학교 수의과대학 동물의학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


The Ultrasonographic method alas been widely applied to evaluating gastric motility with safety and reproducibility ill human medicine but few reference to its use in veterinary medicine is appeared. Therefore, in this study, the gastric motility was evaluated with ultrasonography by the cri-terion of mean cycle lime, short and lony axis and the area of pyloric antrum in dogs, fed with liquid of semisolid meals. Furthermore, the animals were evaluated for the effect of metoclopramide on the motility of pyloric antrum. Healthy 5 mongrel male dogs were fed with either 400 ml of milk a: a liquid meal or a mixed meal of 200 ml of milk with two pieces of bread as a semisolid meal. Mean cycle time of pyloric antrum of dogs was significantly delayed after feeding either of liquid and , semi- solid meals(P<0.05), alls it was returned to the fasting state at 60 min. after feeding of liquid meal and 160 min. after feeding of semisolid meal. Mean area of pyloric antrum of dogs was gradually decreased and was returned to the lasting state at 80 min. in doss fed liquid meal. but 1600 min. in dog\ulcorner fed semisolid meal. The administration of metoclopramide (1.0 mg/kg of of B.W.) accelerated the mean cycle time of pyloric antrum from 20 mill. to 60 min. after feeding of liquid meal and from 40 min. to 120 min. after feeding of semisolid meal. From this study, the ultrasonography was confirmed as a valuable diagnostic method leer evaluating the gastric motility and gastric area in dogs. It is non-invasive, safe and reproducible, and provides a method for the study of the effect of drugs and diseases states on gastric motility.



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