Effects of Atmospheric Powder and Grain Size on Electrical Properties of Lanthanum-modified $PbTiO_3$ Ceramics

  • Byung Sung kang (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • You, Dong-Joo (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Park, Si-Kyung
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Pb$_0.9$La$_0.1$TiO$_3$ ceramics were investigated as a function of grain size. Sintering atmosphere was controlled with changing the kind of atmospheric powder and its amount. It was confirmed that dielectric and piezoelectric of Pb$_0.9$La$_0.1$TiO$_3$ were strongly influenced by the sintering atmosphere. Relative dielectric constant of Pb$_0.9$La$_0.1$TiO$_3$ which was sintered in PbO-deficient atmosphere made by Pb$_0.9$La$_0.1$TiO$_3$ powder, increased with the grain size. However, the dielectric constant of the samples sintered in the PbO-sufficient atmosphere made by PbZrO$_3$ powder was slightly decreased with the grain size. Piezoelectric d$_33$ constant of Pb$_0.9$La$_0.1$TiO$_3$ also showed a different trend, depending on the sintering atmosphere. It was almost constant in the range of grain size of 1.3~2.3 $\mu$m when the samples were sintered in the PbO-sufficient atmosphere, while it intensively decreased with the grain size in the case of the PbO-deficient condition.



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