Sol-gel Synthesis and Properties of Phosphate Ceramics

  • Lee, Burtrand I. (Clemson University, Olin Hall Clemson) ;
  • Cao, Zhicheng (Clemson University, Olin Hall Clemson) ;
  • Samuels, Willam D. (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland) ;
  • Exarhos, Gregory J. (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


Silicon, titanium, zirconium phosphates were synthesized by starting with appropriate chemical precursors in a solution. The synthetic procedure, chemical and physical structures were examined by FT-IR, liquid and solid state NMR, TGA, SEM, XRD, etc. The phosphates were examined for thermal and electrical properties. Advantages of the synthesis technique and the data on unique structures and thermal properties are reported.



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