Alkali Volatilization in TV Screen Glass Melts

  • Kim, Ki-Dong (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Hwang, Jong-Hee (R & D Center, Samsung-Corning Co.)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


The alkali volatilization of TV screen glass melts with various $K_2$O/R$_2$O mole fraction was investigated by dependence of weight loss on time. The melt conductivity was also determined to evaluate relative alkali diffusion in melts. Based on the results of time dependence and compositional dependence of volatilization combining the results of conductivity, the rate determining process of the volatilization was suggested. From the viewpoint of the production and the application of TV glass it was also discussed a correlation between the dependence of properties on $K_2$O/R$_2$O and the present commercial composition.



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