재래닭의 정액성상 및 종란보관기간이 부화율에 미치는 영향

Effects of Semen Characteristics and Egg Storage Period on Hatchability in Korean Native Chickens

  • 김학규 (축산기술연구소 대전지소) ;
  • 최철환 (축산기술연구소 대전지소) ;
  • 나재천 (축산기술연구소 대전지소) ;
  • 상병돈 (축산기술연구소 대전지소) ;
  • 장병귀 (축산기술연구소 대전지소) ;
  • 송치은 (축산기술연구소 대전지소) ;
  • 정행기 (축산기술연구소 대전지소) ;
  • 이상진 (축산기술연구소 대전지소) ;
  • 하정기 (경상대학교 축산학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of semen and egg storage period on hatchability of Korean native chicken(KNC, 44-wk old). The body weight, volume of semen, concentration of spermatozoa, total sperm of an ejaculate, motility of sperm and percentage of fertile eggs were 2,555.89g, 0.473$m\ell$, 30.81${\times}$10(sup)8/$m\ell$, 13.14${\times}$10(sup)8 cells, 3.58 and 91.69%, respectively, in KNC. The percentage of fertile eggs were 87.9∼96.0% on storage period in KNC. The viability and hatchability were 80.2%. 74.6%, respectively, in storage period for 22 days in storage temperature of 11∼14$^{\circ}C$. The results of the trial show that viability can be get more than 80% in storage period for 3 weeks in storage temperature of about 13$^{\circ}C$.



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