- Am J Vet Res v.42 Experimental infection of lambs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus and Pasteurella haemolytica: Clinical and microbiologic studies Al-Darraji AM;Cutlip RC;Lehmkuhl HD;Graham DL;Kluge JP;Frank GH
- Am J Vet Res v.42 Experimental infection of lambs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus and Pasteurella haemolytica: Immuno-fluorescent and electron microscopic studies Al-Darraji AM;Cutlip RC;Lehmkuhl HD
- Vet Med v.88 The epidemiology of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection Ames TR
- Am J Vet Res v.46 Serologicstudies of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in Min-nesota cattle Baker JC;Ames TR;Markham RJK
- Am J Vet Res v.47 Seroepizootiologic study of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in a dairy herd Baker JC;Ames TR;Markham RJF
- A J Vet Res v.47 Seroepizootiologic study of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in a beef herd Baker JC;Ames TR;Werdin RE
- JAVMA v.189 Study on the etiologic role of bovine respiratory syncytial birus in pneumonia of dairy calves Baker JC;Werdin RE;Ames TR;Markham RJE;Larson VL
- Vet Med v.88 Treating bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection Baker JC
- Vet Med v.88 The characteristics of respiratory syncytial viruses Baker JC
- Vet Med v.88 Bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection: Its pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and treatment Baker JC;Maes TR;Belknap EB;Duvobi EJ;Bryson DG;Kelling CL
- Acta Vet Hungarica v.34 Study of prolonged virus infection in cattle stocks infected by bovine respiratory syncytial virus Bartha A;Benko Maria;K Kedi A;Vetesi F
- Vet Med v.88 Recognizaing the clinical signs of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection Belknap EB
- Am J Vet Res v.44 Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in young calves: Clinical and pathologic findings Bryson DG;McNulty MS;Logan EF;Cush PE
- Vet Med v.88 Necropsy findings associated with bovine respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia Bryson DG
- Vet Rec v.122 Associations between viral infection and respiratory disease in young beef bulls Caldow GL;Edwards S;Nixon P;Peters AR
- Am J Vet Res v.46 Experimental bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in conventional calves: Ultrastructural respiratory lesions Castleman WL;Chandler SK;Slauson DO
- Vet Med v.88 Diagnosing bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection:A laboratory perspective Dubovi EJ
- J Wildlife Dis v.22 Serologic evidence of respiratory syncytial virus infection in free-ranging mountain goats(Oreamnos americanus) Dunvar MR;Foreyt WJ;Envermann JF
- Can J Comp Med v.44 Bovine respiratory syncytial virus in Quebec: Antibody prevalence and disease outbreak elazhary MASY;Roy RS;Champlin R;Higgins R;Marsolais G
- Vet Rec v.138 Severe respiratory disease in dairy cows caused by infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus Elvander M
- Am J Vet Res v.43 Prevalence of bovine herpesvirus-1, bovine viral diarrhea, parainflueza-3, bovine adenoviruses-3 and -7, and goat respiratory syncytial viral antibodies in goats Fulton RW;Downing MM;Hagstad HV
- Can J Vet Res v.59 A seroepidemiological study of the importance in cow-calf pairs of respiratory and enteric viruses in beef operations from Northwestern Quebec Ganaba R;Belanger D;Dea S;Bigras-Poulin M
- Am J Vet Res v.46 Respiratory syncytial virus infection in transported calves Gillette KG;Smith PC
- Japan J Exp Med v.40 Isolation bovine respiratory syncytial virus Inaba Y;Tanaka Y;Omori T;Matumoto M
- Japan J Microbiol v.16 Bovine respiratory syncytial virus studies on and outbreak in Japan, 1968-1969 Inaba Y;Tanaka Y;Sato K;Omori T;Matumoto M
- Res Vet Sce v.43 Isotype-specific ELIS As for the detection of antibodies to bovine respiratofy syncytial virus Kimman TG;Westenbrink F;Straver pJ;Van Zaane D
- Vet Med v.88 The immune response to and pathogenesis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections Kimman TG
- Vet Med v.88 Controlling bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in calves Kelling CL
- Vet Microbiol v.16 Latent infection with feline syncytial virus of cell cultures prepared from the kidneys of newborn kittens Kukedi A;Bartha A;Nagy B
- Am J Vet Res v.52 Effects of bovine respiratory syncyrial virus on airway function in neonatal calves LeBlanc PH;Baker JC;Gray PR;Robinson NE;Derksen FJ
- Arch Med Vet v.27 Spontaneous bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in kids: Pathological observations Martinez MS;Masot AJ;Gazquez A;Tovar M;Redondo E
- Am J Vet Res v.44 Experimental respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in young calves: Microbiologic and immunofluorescent findings McNulty MS;Bryson DG;Allan GM
- J Vet Med B v.33 A sero-epidemiological survey of infections with the bovine respiratory syncytial virus in firstseason grazing calves Ploeger HW;Boon JH;Klaassen CHL;Van Florent G
- Infect Immun v.42 Mechanisms of immunity to respriratory syncytial virus in cotton rats Prince GA;Horswood RL;Camargo E;Koenig D;Chanock RM
- j Vet Med B v.41 Spontaneous bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in goats: Pathological findings Redondo E;Masot AJ;Martinez S;Jimenez A;Gazquez A
- J Comp Path v.103 Increased susceptibility to Pasteurellea haemolytica in lambs infected with bovine respiratory syncytial virus Sharma R;Woldehiwet Z
- J Wildlife Dis v.22 Isolation and serologic evidence of a respiratory syncytial virus in Bighorn sheep from Colorado Spraker TR;Collins JK;Adrian WJ;Olterman JH
- infect Immun v.43 Respiratory syncytial virus infection in miee Taylor G;Stott EJ;Hughes M;Collins AP
- The genus pneumovirus Timoney JF;Gillespie JG;Scott FW;Barlough JE
- Am J Vet Res v.48 immunoglobulin M-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for serodiagnosis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections Westenbrink F;kimman TG
- 대한수의사회지 v.22 전남지방에서 사육되고 있는 우유의 질병발생조사 김상기;이정길
- 가축농계 농림수산부
- 농시논문집(가축위생편) v.30 Bovine respiratory syncytial virus의 감염상태조사 박봉균;유한상;김식원;허영;안수환;김용희
- 대한수의학회지 v.35 광주 전남지역내 소의 바이러스성 질병에 관한 혈청학적 조사연구 이채용;이정길;남선문
- 농시논문집(가축위생편) v.30 효소면역법을 이용한 소 parainfluenza-3 바이러스와 소 respiratory syncytial virus 검출에 관한 연구 진영화;황의경;정운익;박봉균;권영방
- 대한수의사회지 v.25 새로운 문제질병 소합포체성 폐렴(Bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection) 진영화