- Vet Microbiol v.37 Immunogens of pasteurella Anthony WC
- Am J Vet Res v.48 Efficacy of astreptomycin-dependent, live Pasteurella haemolytica vaccine against challenge exposure to Pasteurella haemolytica in cattle Blanchard-Channell MT;Ashfaq MK;pKadel W
- Can J Vet Res v.50 Antibiotic disposition in experimental pneumonic pasteurellosis, gentamycin and tylosin Burrows GE;Varto PB;Martic B
- J Anim Sci v.52 Transi factors affecting shrink, shipping fever and subsequent performance of feeder calves Camp TH;Stevens DG;Stermer RA;Anthony JP
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Response of pasteurella haemolytical to erythromycin and dexamethasone in calves with established infection Clarke CR;Barron SJ;Ayalew S;Burrows GE
- Am J Vet Res v.46 Effect of vaccination with live or killed Pasteurella haemolytica on resistance to experimental bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis Confer AW;Paneiera RJ;Fulton RW;Gentry MJ;Rummage JA
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- Can J Comp Med v.41 Pulmonary lesions induced by P. Haemolytica Friend SCE;Thomsen RG;Wilkie BN
- J Anim Sci v.56 Mass medication in reducing shipping fever-bovine respiratory disease complex in highly stressed claves Glen PL
- Resistance pattern or bovine pasteurella Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr v.109 Hormansdorfer S;Bauer J
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.69 Shippin fever pneumonia in yearling feedlot cattle Jensen R
- Can J Comp Med v.42 Pneumonia in calves produced with aerosols of bovine herpesvirus and Pasteurella haemolytica Jericho KWE;Langford EV
- J Vet Med Sci v.58 Effect of a combination of antimicrobial agents for the treatment of respiratory disease in cattle Datoh T;Sakai J;Ogata Y;Urushiyama Y
- Beef Business Bull v.3 no.3 Protecting against respiratory disease in calves NCA
- A J Vet Res v.45 Bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis: Model for pasteurella haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida-induced pneumonia in cattle Panciera RJ;Corstvet RE
- Vet pathol v.15 Correlation of Microbiological and histological findings in bovine fibrinous pneumonia Schiefer B;ward GE;Moffatt RE
- Cna J Comp Med v.33 Pneumonic pasteurellosis of cattle Thomson RG;Bensosn M; Savan M
- J Clin Microbiol v.32 A 4 yers survey of antimicrobial susceptibility trends for isolaltes from cattle with bovine respiratory disease in North America Watts JL;Yancey RJ Jr;Salmon SA;Case CA
- Am J Vet Res v.40 Sequential titration of bovine lung and serum antibodies after parenteral or pulmonary inoculation with Pasteurella haemolytica Wilkie BN;Markham RJE