아연도금강판의 $CO_2$ 용접특성(2) - 용접결함의 형성기구 -

$CO_2$ Weldability of Zn Coated Steel Sheet(2) -Mechanism of Weld Defect Formation-

  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


The mechanism of the blowhole and the pit formation in lap-jointed fillet Co₂arc welds of Zn-coated steel sheet was established by the direct observation of the gas behavior in the molten pool with the high speed camera system. Main conclusions obtained are as follows: 1) Some blowholes were formed by incomplete back-filling to the pits at the last stage of the solidification. This type of blowhole was formed through four stages of gas in the molten pool, incubation, explosion, back-filling and completion of back-filling stage. 2) Most of the pits was back-filled at the last stage of their formation.



  1. 溶接學會誌 v.50-9 氣孔生成の機構 石崎敬三;橫谷眞一郞
  2. 溶接學會論文集 v.3-4 パルスMAG溶接におけゐブロ-ホ-ルについて 山田忠昭;小林實
  3. 溶接學會全國大會講演槪要 v.50 防靑被覆鋼板溶接におけゐ氣孔發生機構 杉谷祐司;佐藤慶和;後藤直幸
  4. 亞鉛めつき鋼板の溶接手引 亞鉛めつき鋼板の溶接手引作成委員會
  5. 溶接學會論文集 v.7-1 亞鉛めつき鋼板のCO₂溶接に關すゐ硏究 向井喜彦;西村新;中島淳雄;奧靑司
  6. 대한용접학회지 v.18-1 아연도금강판의 CO₂용접특성 (1) 이종봉;안영호;박화순