서양의학의 Gout와 한의학(韓醫學)의 통풍(痛風)의 비교고찰(比較考察)

Compare Gout with Tongp'ung(痛風)

  • 김동욱 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 김갑성 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Kim, Dong-Wook (Department of Acupunture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University) ;
  • Kim, Kap-Sung (Department of Acupunture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University)
  • 투고 : 2000.11.01
  • 심사 : 2000.11.14
  • 발행 : 2000.12.20


Compare western medicine report and books which refer to Gout with Oriental medicine books which refer to Tongp'ung(痛風). The results of studying about Gout and Tongp'ung(痛風) were summarized as follows. l. Dangyesimbub(丹溪心法) was printed in 1481 and also the first book which referred to Tongp'ung(痛風). 2. Donwonsipjonguiso(東垣十種醫書) was printed in 1592 and also Tongp'ung(痛風) was recorded like gout especially in cause of disease. 3. Ancient times, Affection by exopathogen and six kinds of natural factors were persisted the cause of Tongpung(痛風), later generation drink, diet and labor were persisted. 4. In Beunjungrok(辨證錄) and susyebowon(壽世保元), there were similar expressions about gout, for examples interval phase and chornic tophaceous. 5. In Uihakjongjon(醫學正傳) and Manbeunghoechun(萬病回春) insisted that gout patients had to control their food especially meat, fish snd drink. 6. According to the cause(Pung(風), Han(寒), Sub(濕)), doctor classified Bi(痺) first was Hangbi(行痺), second was Tongbi(痛痺) and last was Chakbi(着痺). 7. Doctors thought that Tongp'ung(痛風,) was not Hangbi(行痺) and Chakbi(着痺) but it was Tongbi (痛痺). Especially in pain, they thought it was similar to Bakhoyeukjolp'ung(白虎歷節風).



  1. 대한류마티스학회지 v.1 no.2 통풍성 관절염의 임상적 고찰 최일용;황건성;안성철;김영환
  2. 대한정형외과학회지 v.30 no.1 통풍의 임상적 고찰 이정윤;송성근;김성수;김형진;김철홍
  3. 痛風治療 內田認爾
  4. 精校黃帝內經 洪元植(編)
  5. 金궤要略方論 張仲景
  6. 雜病廣要 丹坡元堅
  7. 東醫賢系學 杜鎬京
  8. 東醫治療經驗集成 v.19 동서의 병명대조표 東醫治療經驗集成 編纂委(篇)
  9. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.11 no.1 刺絡療法이 microcrystaline sodium urate를 投與한 흰쥐의 痛風에 미치는 影響 윤병현;윤종화;김갑성
  10. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.15 no.1 紅花油藥鍼이 microcrystaline sodium urate로 誘發된 흰쥐의 痛風에 미치는 影響 김선혁;이준무
  11. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.7 no.1 急性痛風의 鍼灸臨床硏究 崔容泰;李惠貞
  12. 醫史學 황상익
  13. 丹溪心法, 朱震亭
  14. 병리학 고문아
  15. 대한류마티스학회지 v.2 no.1 한국인 건강검진 내원자들에서의 혈청요산치와 관련 요인들에 관한연구 유빈
  16. 대한내과학회지 v.44 no.3 통풍의 임상적 고찰 정태기
  17. 가정의학 의학교육연구원(편)
  18. HARRISON'S 내과학 해리슨내과학편찬위원회
  19. Aslan Journal Modern Medicine v.10 통풍 26례의 임상적 고찰 및 Allopurinoll(Zyloric)의 치료효과 정영기;김영조
  20. 대한정형외과학회지 v.12 통풍의 임상적 고찰 하권익;장진관;김재호;현정
  21. 東垣十種醫書 李東垣
  22. 醫學正傳 虞搏
  23. 編註醫學入門(外集卷2) 李천
  24. 赤水玄珠全集 3 v.12 孫東宿
  25. 醫學準繩六要(醫部全錄 6冊 諸疾 痺門) 張三錫
  26. 萬病回春 공延賢
  27. 證治準繩(雜病一) 王肯堂
  28. 壽世保元 공延賢
  29. 景岳全書(上冊) 張介賓
  30. 張氏類經 張介賓
  31. 醫文法律 v.3 喩嘉言
  32. 辨證錄 陳士擇
  33. 醫宗金鑑 v.下 吳謙 等
  34. 醫林改錯評譯 王淸任(著);郭東烈;金宰源(譯)
  35. 中醫名言大辭典 周一謀;劉道淸(主編)
  36. 類證治栽 林패琴
  37. 南雅堂醫書全集 上 v.2 陳修園
  38. 血證論 唐容川
  39. 임상의학 오늘의 진단 및 치료 전국의과대학교수(역)