Regional Crop Evaluation and Yield Forecast of Paddy Rice Based on Daily Weather Observation

일기상자료에 의한 읍면별 벼 작황진단 및 쌀 생산량 예측

  • 조경숙 (경희대학교 생명자원과학연구원 농학과) ;
  • 윤진일 (경희대학교 생명자원과학연구원 농학과)
  • Published : 1999.09.01


CERES-rice, a rice growth simulation model, was used in conjunction with daily weather data to figure out the spatial variation of the phenology and yields of paddy rice at 168 rice cultivation zone units(CZU) of Kyunggi Province in 1997. Two sets of cultivar specific coefficients, which represent early and mid-season maturing varieties, were derived from field experiments conducted at two crop experiment stations. The minimum data set to run the model for each CZU (daily maximum and minimum temperature, solar irradiance, and rainfall) was obtained by spatial averaging of existing 'Digital Map of Korean Climate'(Shin et al., 1999). Soil characteristics and management information at each CZU were available from the Rural Development Administration. According to a preliminary test using 5 to 9 years field data, trends of the phasic development(heading and physiological maturity), which were obtained from the model adjusted for these coefficients, were in good agreement with the observed data. However, the simulated inter-annual variation was somewhat greater than the reported variation. Rough rice yields of the early maturing cultivar calculated by the model were comparable with the reported data in terms of both absolute value and inter -annual variation. But those of the mid season cultivar showed overestimation. After running the simulation model runs with 1997 weather data for 168 CZU's, rough rice yields of the 168 CZU's calculated by the model were aggregated into corresponding 33 counties by acreage-weighting to facilitate direct comparison with the reported statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The simulation results were good at 22 out of the 26 counties with reportedly increasing yield trend with respect to the past 9 years average.

생육기간중 여러 지점의 일별 기상자료에 의해 작물모형을 구동시킴으로써 벼 생육상황의 지역변이를 용이하게 감시할 수 있는 농업기상학적 작황진단기법을 경기도내 168개 읍면에 적용하였다. 기상, 토양, 재배관리 및 품종정보를 각 읍면별로 미리 준비하였다. 모형은 조생종 및 중생종 벼 특성을 갖도록 조정된 CERES-rice로서 예비실험 결과 출수기와 생리적 성숙기 예측은 적절한 것으로 나타났고, 수량은 약간 과다추정이었다. 1997년 기상자료를 이용하여 경기도 내 각 읍면별 정조수량을 추정한 다음 재배면적 가중평균을 구해 이를 시군별로 통합하여 농림부 쌀 생산량 조사자료와 비교하였다. 생육모의에 의한 시군별 단위면적당 수량 추정값의 RMSE는 1035.9였다. 최근 9년간 평균수량에 대한 1997년의 상대수량을 계산한 결과 농림부 자료에 의해 수량증가로 판정된 26개 시군 가운데 22개에서 동일한 경향을 얻었다.
