조선시대 전통마을의 서식관에 관한 연구 - 충재 권벌의 종가를 중심으로 -

A Study on a Habitat View of Korean Traditional Villages - in the case of Chung Jae Kwon Bul family -

  • 최기수 (서울시립대 도시과학대학 건축·도시·조경학부)
  • 발행 : 1999.01.01


According to Korean's geographical features of Taek Li Ji, the best location for human settlements is on the vicinity of a stream among a stream, an river and a sea, and not far from a ridge. The researcher chose one of best village which is called Yougokmaeul in Bonghwa-Gun, Kyungsang-Do. This village was created a gathering village with the same surname, can be translated as a hen and the front mountain can be seen as a rooster in the view of the shape of geographical features. As it were, the shape of this village and the cultivated land seems to be an egg inside a nest of a parent's chicken in the respect of the analogy of the theory of P'ungsuchiri which is known as Feng Shui in China and geomancy in the western world, and to effect the defensive psychology of the living environment in the terrain inland. This village is the studying place, Suckchunjungsa as the lecturing and studying place for their following students within the Chunghadonchun, the studying Yougok village, and even the ritual place performing ancestral sacrifices and the first incoming ancestor's graves in the same geographical system. The house site of the first incoming resident is surrounded the countian and is located in the front of Backsulryount which is the main mountain through Moonsu-san in the branch mountain of Korean's mountain system. Backsulryoung which is to be seen as the white peak, is symbolized the head of a hen which is to relate to a mysterious turtle in the view of P'ungsuchiri. And the pavilion which is called Chungamjung is sited on the rock of a shape of turtle which is symbolized to live longer. In the section of the mountain and water, Lee Jung Hwan mentioned a living place near the mountain stream is the best residential area and a landscape which is composed by a stream between mountains make a pleasure spirit and a bright feeling and make a refined person. If one can reach in the graceful mountain make a pleasure split and a bright feeling and make a refined person. If one can reach in the graceful mountain half day away, this kind of place must be a best living residential area to live. But this village was structured all in one place. And one of the ideas tangibly reflected in traditional Korean society's view of life and nature is the seclusion based on the Taoism. This kind of a dreamy thoughts make a dream to keep the paradise in our ancestors' mind. This kind of utopia is Chunghadonchun which is structured 5 aspects from the utopian gate near the Samgaesuewon to the village. These 5aspects is expressed by some Confucian thoughts as a small cosmos individually. On the third aspects which is the center among these aspects, the Suckchunjungsa which was made a seclusion place to devoting himself to his studies with refined tastes. The word of Jiju-am, Gangpung-dae, Jaewol-dae and Biryoung-pock are all expressed to cultivate one's moral character and to seek the truth by the Confucius'theory through the nature.



  1. 명지대 석사논문 한국 전통마을의 공간구성 방법에 대한 연구 강선중
  2. 韓國의 住居民俗誌 김광언
  3. 安東의 선비文化 金允濟(외 4인)
  4. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.13 no.5 한국 宗家 建築의 解析 김흥곤(등)
  5. 석천지 영인본 권숙
  6. 조선 농업사연구 민성기
  7. 신중 동국여지승람 고전국역총서 v.46;55 민족문화추진위원회
  8. 임원십육지 서유구
  9. 사림파문학의 연구 이민홍
  10. 한국 중세 사회사 연구 이수건
  11. 영남학파의 형성과 전개 이수건
  12. 서울대 박사학위논문 博統建築의 配置에 대한 地理體系的 해석에 관한 연구 이원교
  13. 조경학회지 v.19 no.4 전통주거지 조영에서 나타난 안동지방 동족 반촌마을권의 형성과정과 배경요인 이동학;최종현
  14. 조선 유교 사회사론 이태진
  15. 조선 사회사연구 송준호
  16. 서울대 박사학위 논문 조선시대 씨족마을의 내재적 질서와 특성에 관한 연구 전봉희
  17. 서울대 박사학위논문 농촌 동족마을의 공간 구조의 특성과 변화연구 한필원
  18. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.6 no.1 조선시대 건축과 禮制에 관한 연구 홍승재(등)
  19. 충재선생문집 안동 권씨 충정공파 서울종친회
  20. 안동군지 안동군지
  21. 봉화군지 봉화군지
  22. 대동여지도 대동여지도
  23. Cities and Natural Process Hough, Michael
  24. 慶尙北道史 경상북도사편찬위원회
  25. 國譯 永嘉誌 權紀
  26. 양반 - 역사적 실체를 찾아서 - 宮島博史;노영구(譯)
  27. 現代韓國風水思想史 李夢日
  28. 擇里志 李重煥;李翼成(譯)
  29. 安東鄕土誌 v.下 宋志香
  30. 國譯 산림경제 洪萬選
  31. 古文眞寶 황견;최인욱(역)
  32. 漢韓大字典
  33. 조선의 풍수 村山智順;최길성(譯)