하천 미지형 및 하상저질에 따른 갯버들과 달뿌리풀군락의 분포특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Distribution Patterns of Salix gracilistyla and Phragmites japonica Communities according to Micro-landforms and Substrates of the Stream Corridor

  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


This study was carried out to verify the distribution patterns of Salix gracilistyla and Phragmites japonica communities known as obligatory riparian species according to physical factors such as micro-landforms, substrates, etc., at Soo-ip stream corridor. Firstly four vegetation types - Salix gracilistyla dominant type, Phragmites japonica dominant type, mixed type of two species, and mixed type of two species to other species, were classified by cluster analysis based on UPGMA-Euclidean distance. Also these vegetation types showed many different distribution patterns in response to the longitudinal and lateral view along the stream corridor and substrate composition. Salix gracilistyla was major component of dominant vegetation types developed at attack point of bending reach and on substrates composed of rock fragments, but contrastly Phragmites japonica was most important component of dominant vegetation types at point bar of bending reach and floodplain, and on substrates composed of soil materials. Secondly the species and environment biplot form CCA strongly supported the vegetation types divided by classification. Namely Salix gracilistyla was closely correlated with rock fragments and steep slope, which is resistant to physical action even though located near running water. But Phragmites japonica showed a high correlation with soil particles sedimented at floodplain by divergent flow.



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  10. 하천식생복원을 위한 식재기준 설정에 관한 연구 현진이
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  19. Final Manuscript Draft Stream corrider Restoration - Principles, Practices, and Process- USDA