토지이용변화를 이용한 농촌경관 선호성 분석에 관한 연구

A Study on the Analysis of Landscape Preference in the Rural Settlement by Land Use Transition

  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


This study identifies the features of landscape elements on the fifteen districts with the idea of land use area and visual quantity of pictures by analyzing the air photo. Therefore, the sensibility of observer is comprehended through simulating the landscape evaluation and the landscape preference with using slide film. The study is divided into three periods to understand the transition of rural landscape as the social and cultural environments have been changed. The first period is the New Community Movement which affected the rapid change of social and cultural environments. The second and third periods are the prior and post time at the rearrangement of administration district in the Tae-Jeon Broad City. The result of this study is explained below part; 1. The transition of rural landscape has been occurred as the land use pattern has been altered. The change of pattern has affected an increase of the natural space and the structure change of agricultural productive space. 2. In the regression analysis, the regression model of landscape preference and land use ratio show; Landscape preference = 3.632 - 11.618 (Residential Area) - 4.227 (Equipped Farm). The explanation variables defined as Residential Area and Equipped Farm, and the relationship of those factors shows negative. Therefore, the increase of other building will make the rural landscape lower and worse.



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