- 한강수계 저수지군의 홍수시 예측 및 제어 이상호
- 수문모형 평가에 관한 연구-강우-유출 모형을 중심으로- 한국건설기술연구원
- Residuals and Influence in Regression Cook, R. D.;S. Weisberg
- J. of the Hydraul. Div. Mathematical Models of Catchment Behavior Dawdy, D. R.;T. O'Donnell
- Journal of Hydrology v.34 A Procedure for the Selection of Objective Functions for Hydrologic Simulation Models Diskin, M. H.;E. Simon
- An Introduction to Linear Statistical Models v.1 Graybill, F. A.
- Z. Wahrscheinlich-Keistheorie Verw. Geb. v.30 On the Central Limit Theorem for Stationary System Heyde, C. C.
- Robust Statistics Huber, P. O.
- Robust Statistics Huber, P. O.
- Korean Journal of Hydrosciences v.6 Development of an Event Rainfall-Runoff Model in Small Watersheds Lee, Sang Ho;Kil Seong Lee
- Korean Journal of Hydrosciences v.6 Development of an Event Rainfall-Runoff Model in Small Watersheds Lee, Sang Ho;Kil Seong Lee
- Journal of Hydrology v.18 The Role of Sensitivity Analysis in Hydrologic Modeling McCuen, R. H.
- Water Resources Bulletin v.10 no.3 A Sensitivity and Error Analysis of Procedures Used for Estimating Evaporation McCuen, R. H.
- Water Resources Research v.14 no.2 Sensitivity of Optimized Parameters in Watershed Models Mein, R. G.;B. M. Brown
- Journal of Hydrology v.10 River Flow Forecasting through Conceptual Models Part I-A Discussion of Principles Nash, J. E.;J. V. Sutcliffe
- Journal of Hydrology v.81 Sensitivity Analysis, Calibration and Predictive Uncertainty of the Institute of Hydrology Distributed Model Rogers, C. C. M.;K. J. Beven;E. M. Morris;M. G. Anderson
- Proceedings, Tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment v.2 Remote Sensing Requirements as Suggested by Watershed Model Sensitivity Analysis Salomonson, V. V.;R. Ambaruch;A. Rango;J. P. Ormsby
- Water Resources Research v.18 no.5 Response Surface Parameter Sensitivity Analysis Methods for Postcaliblation Studies Sorooshian, S.;F. Arfi
- Water Resources Research v.21 no.8 Errors and Parameter Estimation in Precipitation Runoff Modeling 1. Theory Troutman, B. M.
- Water Resources Research v.21 no.8 Errors and Parameter Estimation in Precipitation Runoff Modeling 2. Case Study Troutman, B. M.
- Journal of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division v.104 no.1 Information Requirements for Improving Hydropower Yeh, W. W.-G.;L. Becker;R. L. Sohn