연안도시지역에서 대기오염의 3차원 수치예측모델링 -(I) 침적현상이 대기질에 미치는 영향예측

3-D Numerical Prediction Modeling of Air Pollution in Coastal Urban Region -(I) An Effect Prediction for Deposition Phenomenon affecting on Air Quality

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


Air quality modeling for coastal urban region has been composed of a complex system including meteorological, chemical and physical processes and emission characteristics in complex terrain. In this study, we studied about an effect prediction for deposition phenomenon affecting on air quality in Pusan metopolitan metropolitan city. In air quality modeling including ship sources, a situation considered deposition process habe better result than not considered when compared with observed value. Air pollutants emitted into urban air during the daytime nearly removed through urban atmosphere polluted. Also these phenomena correlated concentration variation connent with sea/land breezes and terrain effect. Therefore we conclude that the concentration was low at daytime when deposition flux is high, and deposition effect on industrial complex and Dongrae region is considerable in particular.



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