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- IMF 이후 도시 저소득층의 생활변화와 대응방안 한국도시연구소
- Regional Studies v.30 no.7 Labour market adjustment in areas of chronic industrial decline: the case of the UK coalfields Beatty,C.;FotherGill,S.
- Environment and Planning A v.29 Geographical variation in the labour market adjustment process: the UK coalfields 1981-91 Betty,C.;Fothergill,S.;Lawless,P.
- Deindustrialization and Plant Closure Jobs, Income and Health Blustone,B.;Harrison,B.;Staudahat,P.D.(ed.);Brown,H.E.(ed.)
- Place prosperity vs people prosperity revisited: an old issue with a new angle v.29 no.2 Bolton,R.
- Regional Studies v.29 no.5 Labour market outcomes and economic exclusion Borooach,V.K.;Markhart
- Urban Studies v.25 Politics,unemployment and local economic politics Boyne,G.A.
- Monthly Labor Review v.118 no.10 BLS introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures Bregger,J.E.;Haugen,S.E.
- Regional Studies v.31 no.4 A profile of UK unemployment: regional versus demographic influences Brown,S.;Sessions,J.G.
- Monthly Labor Review v.121 no.7 Person outside the labor force who want a job Castillo,M.D.
- Economic Geography v.63 no.2 Urban restructuring from a demographic perspectives Clark,A.V.
- Progress in Human Geography v.10 no.3 Regional development and policy: the geography of employment Clark,G.L.
- Progress in Human Geography v.4 Critical problems of geographical unemployment models Clark,G.L.
- Urban Geography v.1 no.3 Local labor market dynamics and the determinants of quits and layoffs Clark,G.L.
- Annals of the Association of American Geographers v.71 The employment relation and spatial division of labor: a hypothesis Clark,G.L.
- Urban Geography v.12 no.4 Developing the spatial mismatch hypothesis: problems of accessibility to employment for low-wage central city labor Cooke,T.J.
- Regional Studies v.30 no.4 Disparity in employment, productivity and output in the EU: the roles of labour market governance and welfare regimes Dunford,M.
- Global Unemployment: Loss of Jobs in the '90s Eatwell,J.(ed.)
- Regional Studies v.30 no.2 Putting unemployment in its place: using the samples of anonymized records to explore the rise of unemployment in Great Britain in 1991 Fieldhouse,E.A.
- Environment and Planning A v.29 Using the 1991 Census SAR in a multilevel analysis of male unemployment Gould,M.I.
- Environment and Planning A v.30 (Non)Participation on the labour market: alternative indicators and estimates of labour reserve in United Kingdom regions Green,A.E.;Hasluck
- Regional Studies v.31 no.5 Exculsion, unemployment, and non-employment Green,A.E.
- Environment and Planning A v.27 A comparison of alternative measures of unemployment Green,A.E.
- Economic Geography v.67 Poverty concentration measures and the urban underclass Greene,R.
- Economic Geography v.68 no.4 Dynamic dependency: a demographic investigation of local labor market Hanson,S.;Pratt,G.
- Economic Geography v.65 Misspeaking truth to power: a geographical perspective on the underclass fallacy Hughes,M.A.
- Urban Geography v.12 no.6 Economic restructuring and black male joblessness in U. S. metropolitan areas Johnson,J.H.,Jr.;Oliver,M.L.
- Regional Studies v.12 Regional unemployment patterns and the spatial dimensions of macro-economic policy: the Canadian experience 1966-1975 King,L.J.;Clark,G.L.
- Urban Affairs Quarterly v.24 no.2 Urban unemployment drives urban crime Kohfeld,C.W.;Sprague,J.
- Regional Studies v.19 no.5 The spatial variation in unemployment and labour force participation rates of male and female workers Lillydahl,J.H.;Singell,L.D.
- Urban Studies v.26 Urban unemployment: a casual modelling approach Mair,D.;Miller,A.G.
- Regional Studies v.31 no.3 Regional unemployment disparities and their dynamics Martin,R.
- Regional Studies v.28 no.8 Remapping British regional policy: the end of the north-south divide? Martin,R.
- Trans. Inst. Br. Geogr. v.13 The political economy of Britain's north-south divide Martin,R.
- The Anatomy of Job Loss Massey,D.;Meegan,R.
- Journal of Regional Science v.29 no.3 The relationship among labor force participation, service-sector employment and underemployment Nord,S.
- Regional Studies v.23 no.1 Labor market accounts for travel to work areas 1981-1984 Owen,D.;Green,A.E.
- The Professional Geographer v.42 no.3 One nation or two? The changing geography of unemployment in Great Britain,1983-1988 Pattie,C.J.;Johnston,R.J.
- Regional Studies v.31 no.6 Dispersion of US state unemployment rates: the role of market and non-market equilibrium factors Partridge,M.D.;Rickman,D.S.
- Unemployment and Local Labour Markets Robinson,P.(ed.)
- Urban Studies v.21 The intra-urban unemployment gradient: the influence of location on unemployment Vipond,J.