- J Free Radic Biol Med v.1 no.1 Pathological mechanisms in carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity Brattin WJ;Glende EAJR;Recknagel RO
- J Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.134 Reduction of carbon tetrachloride in vivo and reduction of carbon tetrachloride and chloroform in vitro by tissues and tissue consituents Butler TC
- J Path Bacteriol v.85 Carbon tetrachloride poisoning in liver of the newborn rat Dawkius MJR
Korean J Vet Clin Med
$(CCl_{4})$ 의 투여가 쥐의 간기능에 미치는 영향 Ⅰ: 임상증상 및 혈액화학치 강정부;이은석;허주형 -
Korean J Vet Clin Med
$(CCl_{4})$ 의 투여가 쥐의 간기능에 미치는 영향 Ⅱ. 혈액효소활성치 강정부;이은석;허주형 - J clin pathol v.7 Estimation of plasma alkaline phosphate by oleteramination of hydrolysed phenol with amino-antipyrine Kind PRN;King EJ
- Clin Chem Acta v.26 A routine procedure for estimating serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity Naftalin L;Sexton M;Tracey D
- Chem Phys Lipids v.45 The role of lipid reroxidation in liver damage Poli G;Albano E;Dianzani MU
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The role of lipid peroxidation in
$(CCl_{4})$ -induced damage to liver microsomal enzymes : Comparative studies in vitro usiry microsomes and isolated liver cells Poli G;Cheseman KH;Slater TF;Dianzani MU - Exp Mol Pathol v.9 Early onset of lipoperoxidation in rat liver after carbon tetrachloride administration Rao KS;Recknagel RO
- Life sciences v.33 no.5 A new direction in the study of carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity Rechnagel RO
- Lab Invest v.25 Liver parenchymal cell injury Ⅶ : membrane denaturation following carbon tetrachloride Reynolds ES;Ree HJ
- Biochem Biophisica v.738 Neoplasmic progression in experimental hepatocarcinogenesis Sherer E
- Nature v.263 New principle for the analysis of chemical carcinogenesis Solt DB;Farber E
- J Free Radicals in Biol Med v.2 Damage to biological tissue induced by radical initiator 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride and its inhibition by chain-breaking antioxidants Terao K;Niki E
- J Toxicol pathol v.2 Liver injuries induced by free radical Terao K