공간체험을 통한 긴장.이완의 현상

Tense and relax Pheomenon of spatial Experience

  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


Latest modernism shows general idea of phenomenal space through nature of place motility and experience sinceded from standard form and it has general idea of space. therefore this study presents the tension and the relaxation as a method looking for spatal change and value that in spatial experience. For the analysis of work the Conference Pavillon of Tadoa Ando in the furniture company in Vitra Fire Station of Zaha Hidid is analyzed in spatial experence. As the result the result the systematic straight mixture that has a superrimotion with long retangle which the space acts independently and is shown in the drawing of absolutism is formed and collapses theregularity of construction form by decomposition annexation mixing collision and ambivalence. The spatial experiance in this unstable form changes the grade of rank of space by opposite phenomenon by the change of spatial flowing the disorted and vague space that is occurred by superrimotion which has no direction and change of lirht and place and consolidates dynamic strain makes possible to construct against the gravity. And it also creates experienced space thatis reaxed with maintenance of organization of unity harmony, and stsbility.



  1. 미술과 시지각 Rudolf Amheim;김춘일(역)
  2. 예술과 엔트로피 Rudolf Amheim;정용도(역)
  3. 예술심리학 Rudolf Amheim;김재은(역)
  4. 중심의 힘 Rudolf Amheim;정용도(역)
  5. 건축의 복합성과 대립성 Rovert Venturi;임창복(역)
  6. 건축공간론 Van de Ven;정진원(외1인 역)
  7. 공간, 시간, 건축 Sigfrid Gidion;최창규(역)
  8. 공간지 현상으로서의 건축 박길룡
  9. 플러스 안도다다오의 건축세계 이영일
  10. 대한건축학회 건축공간과 전이 기억중
  11. 홍대석론 건축공간의 시간성 개념 발전에 관한 연구 이청
  12. 대한건축학회 시간예술로서의 건축 이대암
  13. 국민대박론 현대뮤지엄 건축공간의 미적체험에 관한연구 김민제
  14. 서울대석론 건축체계와 운동개념에 관한 연구 김태영
  15. 국민대 석론 전통건축의 공간적 전이현상에 관한연구 손은정
  16. 홍대석론 건축공간의 방향성긴장의 의미와 표현방법에 관한 연구 문영삼