극장건축의 공간유형과 도시성격의 상관성 연구-무대와 객석에 나타난 유럽극장형식의 변형을 중심으로-

Study on the Correlation between a Urban Character and the Space Type of Theater Architecture -Focus on the Uropean theater style shown on the stage and the auditorium-

  • 임종엽 (숙명여자대학교 환경디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


Today the worship of entertainment i.e television has created a situation of diminshing monumental environments with increasing leisure time. Let us examine retrospectively the characteristics of the Urban theater Architecture. Two aspects would stand out as Theater Architecture gets closer to the urban tradition or trends to make a part of a city come to life. One aspect is an introvert purity. The other is an extrovert organic structure on the edge of connecting urban scenary with anything hoping to find the renewable element which could be revived eternally in architecture.



  1. New theater forms Joseph Stephen
  2. Theatrical design and production J. Michael Gillette
  3. 연극원론 G.B. Tennyson
  4. 연극이벤트의 미학 David Cole
  5. Form Art to Theater Geoge R. Kemodle
  6. Yeats's Iconography F.A.C. Wilson
  7. Lo Spazio Scenico -storia dell'arte tearrale Allardyee Nicoll.
  8. 서양건축사 정론 박학재
  9. 서양연극사 이근삼
  10. 서양건축의 본질적 의미 C. Boberg schulz
  11. Teatro Gaelle Breton
  12. 소극장 무대공간디자인에 관한 연구 신혜수
  13. 현대영화이론 J. Dudley Andrew
  14. 이탈리아 르네상스 미술론 Anthony Blunt
  15. Ancient art and ritual J. Harrison
  16. 현상학과 예술 Maurice Merleau-Ponty
  17. 퍼포먼스에 있어서 미적 체험에 관한 연구 윤보섭
  18. Zodiac Architectura Zodiac 2. Milano
  19. Le Vite dei piu Celebri Giorgio Vasari