Powder Preparation by Hydroxide Coprecipitation and Phase Development of Pb0.97La0.02(Zr0.64Sn0.25Ti0.11)O3 Ceramics

  • Lee, Joon-Hyung (Department of Inorganic Materials Engineering Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Chiang, Yet-Ming (Department of materials Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


A homogeneous and stoichimetric fine powder of the ferroelectric $Pb_[0.97}La_{0.02}(Zr_{0.64}Sn_{0.25}Ti_{0.11})O_3$ (PLZST) has been prepared by the hydroxide coprecipitation method. Studies on the crystallization behavior of precursor as a function of temperature by X-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy technique were consistent with the formation of the pyrochlore phase from amorphous, initially at low temperatures around 500~$550^{\circ}C$. Further heat treatment up to $750^{\circ}C$ resulted in development of the perovskite phase with no significant pyrochlore crystallite growth. At intermediate temperatures the precursor yields a fine mixture of pyrochlore and perovskite phases. When the pyrochlore phase was heat teated in air, slight weight increase was observed in the temperature range of 300~$700^{\circ}C$, which is thought to be caused from oxygen absorption. In argon atmosphere, weight increase was not observed. On the other hand, weight loss began to occur near $700^{\circ}C$, with giving off mostly CO2 gas. This implies that the pyrochlore phase seems to be crystallorgraphycally and thermodynamically metastable. An apparent activation energy of 53.9 ㎉/mol was estimated for the pyrochlore-perovskite phase transformation.



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