관개저수지의 적정 홍수조절용량 설정방법

Optimal Flood Control Volume in the Irrigation Reservoir

  • 발행 : 1998.04.01


Water level of irrigation reservoir during the flood season could be kept to a certain level, so called, flood control level by releasing the flood inflow in advance in order to reduce the peak discharge of next coming flood and the damage of inundation. Concept of restriction intensity of water supply was introduced to evaluate the influence of flood control volume on the irrigation water supply. Restriction intensity can be calculated by multiplying the ratio of restriction to the days of restriction which are obtained from the operation rule curve and daily water level of irrigation reservoir and it has the dimension of % day. The method of restriction intensity was applied to the Yedang irrigation reservoir with the observed data of 30 years to review whether the present flood control volume is reasonable or not, and suggest the optimal flood control volume, if possible.



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