강릉 운산충적평야의 홀로세 후기의 환경변화와 지형발달

The Environmental Change and Geomorphic Development of Unsan Alluvial Plain in Kangreung City during the Late Holocene

  • 윤순옥 (경희대학교 문리과대학 지리학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Unsan alluvial plain is the backmarsh of Seomseokcheon which is a river originated from Chilseongdae(954m) on Mts Taeback, flowing into Donghae in southern Kangreung City, Kangwon Province. The vegetation change, geomorphic develoopment and depositional environment during the late Holocene have been investigated, using the methods such as boring, pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating. Because the deposits fo the study area are mainly consisted of peat and paety sand, they contained many pollen fossils. The peat layer has been sedimented since the high sea-level periods, 3,200 y. BP, and the records of vegetation change until now has well preserved here. According to archeological researches and the results of pollen analysis in east coast of Korea, it is supposed that the prehistoric rice farming in this area has begun since ca. 1,800 y. BP.



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