Psychology of Young Adulthood

청년기심리 (靑年期心理)

  • Cho, Doo-Young (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Seoul National University)
  • 조두영 (서울대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실)
  • Published : 1997.12.15


One faces four major developmental tasks to achieve in young adulthood, ages between 20 and 40 : intimacy, vocation, marriage and child-rearing. Intimacy is the capacity to commit oneself to concrete affiliations and partnerships and to develop the ethical strength to abide by such commitments, even though they call for significant sacrifices and compromises. Through vocation and marriage young adults become united to networks of persons, find tasks that demand involvement, and gain roles into which they fit and are fitted and which help define their identities. An occupation represents much more than a set of skills and functions : it means a way of life. The extent of vocational choice increases with educational level, and the unconscious factors are frequency the decisive element. The vocational choice stare with fantasy choices in childhood, passes through tentative choices in adolescence, realistic choices in college days, and crystallized choices in post-college days, and finally ends up to the choice of specification. Along with the hazards and the need for realignment of personality functioning, the marriage brings with it new opportunities for self-fulfillment and completion. Motives other than a romantic love gain more importance in the decision to marry and in the choice of a partner. The impulsions to marry are sexual gratification, the desire to propagate, narcissistic gratification, and a need of interdependence. Many factors such as oedipal wishes, sexuality and sexual attractions, socio-economic classes, and geography involve in selection of marriage partner. There are also various motivations to marry a romantic love, the desire for a home of one's own, sexual attractions, the wish for security and a shelter, and the wish for children. The hostile marriage, the marriage on the rebound, the marriage rooted in rescue fantasies, and sado-masochistic marriage are the examples of pathological marriages. A successful marriage will usually both Lead to and require a marked reorganization of the personality structure of each partner that will influence the lurker personality development of each. Many marital problems are largely dependent upon the personality characteristics of one partner which might well create difficulties no manor who was the spouse.
