학교와 지역사회의 시설 공동 활용 - 성동구의 중학교와 지역사회의 시설 교차 이용을 중심으로 -

School-Community Cooperation - A Case Study of Facility Share between the Middle School and the Community in Seong Dong Gu -

  • 발행 : 1997.03.31


This paper is to survey the cooperation between the school and the community with respect to the degree of share of their facilities. The hypothesis of this paper is that the share of facilities between the school and the community is helpful for the two. That is, the community, using the school facilities, can educate to upgrade its people to higher social level. The school, using the community facilities, can compensate insufficient school facilities and facilitate student learnings. This paper employed both a literature survey and a case study approach explained by the case of Seong Dong Gu and its schools. This paper argued that the share of the facilities between the school and the community is needed to facilitate student learnings and to upgrade community people to higher level. Thus, government should encourage the cooperation between the two. This paper found that the school can use other schools' facilities, camping facilities, various types of private institute, community libraries, social welfare centers, athlentic facilities, and park facilities in the community. Most of the facilities are rested during school hours and are vacant more or less after school hours, so that there are still room for share the facilities with the students. This paper found that the community can easily use school facilities for life-long education programs, house-wife classes, athlentic programs for daily life, recreation classes for community people because the school is located in the center of the community. These programs using school facilities can encourage to upgrade community persons' social levels. However, this paper found that the degree of community use is insufficient to fulfil the school facilities. Only a few percent of the school class rooms and other facilities are used by the community. Therefore this paper asserted that community education programs using school facilities should be expanded. This paper recommended, based on the findings, that governments should encourage the cooperation between the school and the community to facilitate student's learnings and to upgrade community people to higher level. Also it recommended that the school should share more community facilities and that the community should share more school facilities.
