레이저빔 응용 가공기술

  • 황경현 (한국기계연구원 자동화연구부)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01




  1. IEEE circuits devices MAG v.6 no.5 Laser-fabrication for solid-state electronics Richard M Osgood
  2. Applied Surface Science v.46 Laser-assisted deposition for electronic packaging applications A Bauer;J.Ganz;K.Hesse;E.Kohler
  3. Laser Focus v.27 no.5 Laser advance into microelectronice packaging Robert F. Miracky
  4. SPIE v.1279 Surface patterning by pulsed laser induced transfer of metals and compounds Zolt Toth;Zoltan Kantor;Peter Mogyorosi;Tamas Szorenyi
  5. 과학기술처 보고서(레이저 응용 기술개발) 광응용 기술 및 정밀가공 기술개발 황경현(외 10명)
  6. Chem.Phys.Lett. v.95 no.1 Non-thermal effects in laser enhanced etching of silicon by XeF2 F.A. Houle
  7. Phys. Rev. B v.39 no.14 Photochemical etching of silicon : The influence of chotogenerated charge carries F.A. Houle
  8. Surf. Sci. v.215 The adsorption of fluorine on the Si<100> surface J.R. Engstrom;M.M.Nelson;T.Engel
  9. Surf. science v.18 Chlorine reaction on the Si<111>surface J.W. Florio;W.D. Rovertson