ATM망의 비연결형 서버를 위한 고속 CAM ASIC 설계

ASIC design of high speed CAM for connectionless server of ATM network

  • 백덕수 (국립이리농공전문대 전자과) ;
  • 김형균 (원광대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 이완범 (원광대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.07.01


Because streaming mode connection server suitable to wide area ATM networks performs transmission, reception and lookup with time restriction for the transmission time of a cell, it has demerits of large cell loss incase that burst traffic occurs. Therefore, in this paper to decrease cell loss we propose a high speed CAM (Content Addressable Memory) which is capable of processing data of streaming mode connections server at a high speed. the proposed CAM is applied to forwarding table VPC map which performs function to output connection numbers about input VPI(Virtual Path Identifier)/VCI(Virtual Channel Identifier). The designed high speed CAM consist of DBL(Dual Bit Line) CAM structure performed independently write operation and match operation and two-port SRAM structure. Also, its simulation verification and full-custom layout is performed by Hspice and Composs tools in 0.8 .$\mu$m design rule.



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