Effect of Pollutant Loading and Flow Distance to Wastewater Treatment Efficiency in the Constructed Wetland System

오염부하량 및 유하거리가 인공습지에 의한 폐수처리 효율에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1997.10.01


Natural wastewater treatment systems using the constructed wetland system were evaluated for the wastewater from the industrial complex in rural areas. For the treatment of wastewater from the industrial complex in rural area, a pilot plant of the constructed wetland system was installed at Baeksuk agri-industrial complex in ChunahnCity, Chunchungnam-Do. The experiment with this pilot plants was performed for 1996 and 1997. Results of the study were summarized as follows. For the BOD and COD, when the pollutant loading of them was about 1 3.8g/$m^2$. day (the concentration was l24.0mg/${\ell}$) arid 24.4g/$m^2$.day(the concentration was 220.Omg/${\ell}$), the removal rate of them was high, 90.2% and 93.4%, respectively. For the SS, the effluent concentration was consistently lower than the water quality standard even though the influent concentration varied significantly, which showed that SS was removed by the system effectively which consist of soil and plants. For the T-N and T-P, when the influent pollutant loading of them were moderately high, 2.8g/$m^2$.day to 7.4g/$m^2$. day(concentration 25.0mg/${\ell}$ to 49.7mg/${\ell}$) for T-N and 1.0g/$m^2$.day to 2.6g /$m^2$.day(concentration 8.6mg/${\ell}$ to 14.7mg/${\ell}$) for T-P, the removal rate of them were 86.5% and 94.0%, respectively. The removal rate by the flow distance increased rapidly in the first 4m from the inlet zone, and gradually there after. The width of system was 2m. Overall, the result showed that constructed wetland system is a feasible alternative for the treatment of wastewater from industrial complex in rural areas. Compared to existing systems, this system is quite competitive because it requires low capital cost, almost no energy and maintenance, and therefore, very cost effective.



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