A comparative study of acupuncture points and hand acupuncture points on hand

체침(體鍼)중 손에 있는 경혈(經穴)과 수지침(手指鍼) 기혈(氣穴)의 비교(比較)

  • Published : 1997.10.30


A comparative study of influence by area between acupuncture points on hand of original acupuncture system with those of hand acupuncture system was resulted as followes 1. The influence of acupuncture points on original acupuncture system was different from those on hand acupuncture system by meridian system even though on same area or point but was similar by meridian coordination even though on different area or point. 2. The influence of acupuncture points on hand acupuncture system was almost added by those of coordinated original acupuncture system point on those of hand acupuncture system point. 3. The influence of non coordinated hand acupuncture points with several original acupuncture points was according to those of up or down point on same meridian. 4. Tung;s acupuncture system had no corelationship with other two acupuncture systems, where it has no holistic system on original princeple and Extra-points had also no corelationship, where it has no meridian system.



  1. 침구치료학 임종국
  2. 고려수지침강좌 유태우
  3. 정암수족침입문 김정암
  4. 온누리수족요법 박재우
  5. 광명수지요법해설 박선식
  6. 침구경외기혈도보 학금개
  7. 동씨기혈침구학 양유걸(編)