Noncondensable Gas Effects on the Marangoni Convection

마랑고니 대류에 미치는 불응축성가스의 영향

  • 이동호 (인천대학교 산업안전공학과)
  • Published : 1996.11.01


The study presents experimental and theoretical analysis focusing on the infulence of a noncondensable gas upon the absorption enhancement that is obtained by Marangoni convection generated by the addition of the surfactant. The shadowgraph method is adopted in this visualization. As a result of absorption phenomena with shadowgraph photos, the different patterns of Marangoni convection cells are observed in accordance with the various amounts of noncondensable gas. Furthermore, non dimensional number K(Ma/Ra) is introduced to calculate the value of surface tension difference theoretically for the comparison with the various amount of non condensable gas in absorber.
