大邱의 貧民地域 形成過程과 空間分布의 特性

Process and Spatial Distribution of Squatter Settlement in Taegu

  • Bae, Sook-Hee (Dept. of Geography, Kyungpuk National University)
  • 발행 : 1996.09.01


우리나라 대도시 어디에서나 볼 수 있는 빈민지역이 어떻게 형성되었으며 도시내에서 어떻게 공간이동을 하였는가를 알기 위하여 대구를 사례로하여 고찰하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 대구의 빈민형성은 해방 및 6.25 동란을 겪으면서 그 수가 증대되어 1차적으로 도심가까이에 빈민지역을 형성하였고 그 후 도시와의 진전에 따라 도시주변지역의 무단점거에 의한 2차적 빈민지역이 형성되었다. 2) 최근에서 도시재개발사업에 환경이 개선되어 일반거주지역으로 전환되었거나 혹은 대규모 아파트단지가 건립되어 저소득층은 그 곳에 거주하지 못하고 도시근교의 영구 및 임대아파트 단지내에 대규모로 집단화하여 거주지의 수평적 이동이 이루어지게 되었다.

The forming process of poverty region in Taegu and the feature of its spatial distribution which are reviewed hitherto can be summarized like this. 1) In the froming porcess of poverty region in Taegu, during the soverignty of Japanese Empire petty farmers became tenantry by the colonial agricultural policy of Japanes Empire and some of those came into the city and g\became urban poor class. They generally lived in poor houses or dugouts in the city, and 6.6$\circ$ of poor house and dugouts of the whole country were in Taegu and 4.9$\circ of the popolatio in Taegu resided there. During the period of disorder, because of the historic accidents, such as the restoration of independence and Korean War, the returnees from aboad and refugees converged into the big city so that those who need the country's relief stood out as new poor class. They generally made their dwellings with tents and straw-bags on vacant grounds in suburbs living form hand to mouth and shaped the poor houses area, so-clalled "Liberated Village". During the developing period, the number of those who need aid gradually decreased, but the problem of poor people by the city-concentration of the poeple who shifted from agricultrual jobs by economic development came to the front. They mostly lived in squatter area forming large poor class area, and generally located near the center of Taegu consisiting of West. South. East Ward. 2) Reviewing the the feature of spatial distribution, the proportion of poor class are highest within 1~2km from the center of the city and also high within 2~3km form the center and suburbs. The poor class area in the center of the city are mostly cleared and removed area and in suburbs by the construction of permanently leased, and leased apartments large grouped poor class areas are forming. In Taegu, 16 low-income class group residence areas and residential environement improving areas are dispersed so that they came under the so-called poor class area. But by the improvement of dewelling environment and living the poor people who lived in groups dispersed or bettered their living for themselves, so the poverty area is greatly chaning into average-levelled residence area, and on the other hand, large poor people's apartment complexes are being constructed in suburbs. 3) Up to now, the distribution of poverty area could be limited its scale to generally the area within 1~3km because the poverty region which had been in suburbs relatively came near the center of the city by the rapid urbanization and poor people preferred that area because of the living convenience facilities as well as the transportation facilities and job-hunting being near the center of the city. But now poor people's apartment complex is being constructed regardless of their zone of job sites, so the low proportion of occupation is pointed as a new problem.
