Changes of Land-Use Policy in Rural China

1980년대 후반 이후 중국 농촌 토지제도의 변화

  • Published : 1996.09.01


Since 1978. China has progressed her reforms of her economy. In this process, refroms in rual area have been operated with top priority. The system of collective economy had been changed into that of private economy. Rural farming and land-use system had been changed also. The household responsibility system took the place of a People's Commune. That was the system that could inspire farm-household with a will to work, and hence, increase the productivity of agriculture. However, with the developement of market mechanism in the later 1980s, that system got inadequate to new situation. For instance, incentives of a will to work slowly decreased, agricultural productivity did not increase, and labor forces were tremendously transferred to non-agricultural sector. This situation created the demand for a new system of rural land policy and use. This paper intends to describe changes of new system of land use in rual China. Those changes are as follows. 1. The system of land-circulation has been spread widely. 2. 'Liangtianzhi' (the system of two kind land-use) divided the land into two kinds, 'kouliangtian' (the land of food) and 'zerentian' (the land of obligation). The one is allocated in proportion to the per capita, and to support farm-household' and function, the other is allocated in proportion to the labor force, in order to increase the commercial function of land. 4. 'Guimojingying' (management of scale): For overcomint the disadvantage of dispersal of land, the relative concentration of land was required. 4. 'Gufenzhi' (a joint-stock system) is practised for the purpose of establishing clear-cut lines of land ownership. 5. 'Sihuangpaimai' (auction the use right of four kinds of wasteland) is for full-using of the wasteland. It can be apprehended that these systems and policies were the process of adaption to market mechanism. In these, rural China could escape form the disorder due to rapid changes, and overcome the existing contradiction.

1978년 이후 중국은 농촌지역의 개혁을 통해 개혁. 개방이 시작되었다. 인민공사의 집체경제 체제에서, 농가를 단위로 하는 '가정연산승포제'로 변화하여 노동 의욕이 고취되고 생산성의 증가를 이루었다. 하지만 1980년대 이후 생산의욕 유인 효과가 줄어들고, 보다 확대된 시장 메카니즘에 적합하지 못한 토지이용 방식으로 농업생산의 정체와 노동력의 비농업으로의 이전 과정을 겪었다. 이에 농가의 수요에 맞춘 새로운 토지제도가 필요하게 되어, 流轉의 확대, 토지의 생활보호 기능과 상업적 기능을 동시에 만족시키는 兩田制, 토지의 분산성을 극복하여 토지 생산의 능률을 높이려는 規模經營, 토지 소유관계의 불명확성을 극복하려는 股役合作制(주식제), 열등한 토지의 개간과 이용을 위한 '四荒' 경매 등의 제도가 시행되었다. 이러한 정책은 중국의 전반적인 시장경제의 도입으로 인한 농촌지역의 적응과정으로 이해할 수 있다. 그 시행으로 급격한 변화를 피하면서도 기존의 모순을 해결할 수 있었으며, 특히 지역적 차이에 따라 정책은 상이하게 전개된 것이 특징이다.
