The surveys of food intakes were carried out on 49 healthy infants aged 4-9 months at the first interview and repeated 3 more times at the interval of 2 months by using food diary recorded by their mothers. Of the subjects 12 were breast-fed, 28, formula-fed, and 9, mixed type-fed. Foods introduced first as the weaning food were commercial weaning foods, fruit juices, yoghurt, egg and rice. Supplemental food was introduced at the age of 4 months in 57% of the infants, but it amounted to a significant proportion of overall food consumption from the age of 6 months. The levels of nutrients except energy, iron and niacin were similar or in excess of RDA, and breast-fed infants tended to have lower intakes of energy and protein compared to infants formula-fed or mixed type-fed. Average intakes of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and calcium were above RDA, but iron intake did not meet RDA of infants of all ages. In conclusion, the average status of nutrient intakes of infants was fairly good, however, food consumption besides milk was less in breast-fed infants than in formula-fed infants, and iron status seemed to be poor, Although it is well-known that breast-milk compared to formulas is more beneficial for infants, mothers feeding breast-milk to their infants should be educated for the importance of supplemental food and its practice to support good nutrition.