Doping Diamond for Electronic Application

  • Kalish, R. (Physics Department, and Solid Institute Technion Technion City)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


Diamond based electronic devices promise to exhibit unique properties. In order to realize devices diamond has to be doped to render it electrically conductive. In the present work the doping of diamond and of polycrystalline CVD diamond films are reviewd with particular emphasis to ion-implantation doping and to attempts to dope diamond by in-diffusion of the dopants. The quest for finding ways to obtain n-type conductivity in diamond will be critically examined.



  1. See for example, Properties of Diamond G. Davies(Edt.)
  2. Diffusion in Diamond (and references therein) R. Kalish
  3. Diamond and Related Materials v.5 H. Spicka;M. Griesser;H. Hutter;M. Grasserbauer;S. Bohr;R. Haubner;B. Lux
  4. Diamond and Related Materials v.3 K. Okano;H. Kiyota;T. Kurosu;M. Iida
  5. Ion-implantation into Diamond Graphite and Related Materials See for example;M. S. Dresselhaus;R. Kalish
  6. Proceedings of the Enrico Fermi School of Physics(in press) Ion Implantation, in Diamond: Damage, Annealing and Dopinng R. Kalish
  7. Materials Science Report v.7 J. F. Prins
  8. Appl. Phys. Lett. v.67 C. Uzan-Saguy;C. Cytermann;R. Brener;M. Shaana;R. Kalish
  9. Physica v.B185 J. F. Prins
  10. Appl. Phys. Lett. v.68 F. Fountain;C. Uzan-Saguy;B. Philosoph;R. Kalish
  11. J. Appl. Phys. v.54 G. Braunstein;R. Kalish
  12. Phys. Lett. v.64 R. Kalish;C. Uzan-Saguy;A. Samoiloff;R. Locher;P. Koidl
  13. B. Ran M. Sc. Thesis, Technion, Jsrael B. Ran;C. Uzan-Saguy;R. Kalish(to be published)
  14. Appl. Phys. v.A51 K. Okano;H. Kiyota;T. Iwasaki;Y. Nakamura;Y. Akiba;T. Kurosu;M. Iida;T. Nakamura
  15. Appl. Phys. Leet. v.58 K. Okano;H. Kiyota;T. Iwasaki;T. Kurosu;M. Iida;T. Nakamura
  16. to be published H. Ozaki;T. Inuzuka;S. Koizumi;M. Kamo;C. Uzan-Saguy;R. Kalish
  17. Diamond and Related Materials v.4 J. F. Prins
  18. Appl. Phys. Lett. v.63 M. G. Allen;S. Prawer;D. N. Jamieson;R. Kalish
  19. Diamond Films and Technology(in press) S. Prawer;D. N. Jamieson;R. J. Walker;R. Kalish
  20. Phys. Rev. Lett. v.66 S. A. Kajihara;A. Antonelli;J. Bernholc;R. Car
  21. Phys. Rev. v.B48 A. B. Anderson;S. P. Mehandru
  22. J. Appl. Phys. v.77 G. Popovici;R. G. Wilson;T. Sung;M. A. Prelas;S. Khasawinah
  23. J. Appl. Phys. v.77 G. Popovici;T. Sung;S. Khasawinah;M. A. Prelas;R. G. Wilson
  24. Diamond and Related Materials v.3 C. Cytermann;R. Brener;R. Kalish
  25. Nucl. Inst. and Methods v.182;183 G. Braunstein;R. Kalish
  26. Appl. Phys Lett. v.66 M. Restle;K. Bharuth-Ram;H. Quintel;C. Ronning;H. Hofsass;S. G. Jahn;U. Wahl
  27. Appl. Phys. Lett. v.63 S. Prawer;C. Uzan-Saguy;G. Braunstein;R. Kalish
  28. Diamond and Related Materials v.1 I.M. Buckely-Golder;R. Bullough;M.R. Hayns;J.R. Willis;R.C. Piller;N.G. Biamires;G. Gard;J. Stephen
  29. Diamond and Related materials v.5 R. Job;M. Werner;A. Denisenko;A. Zaitsev;W.R. Fahrner
  30. Diamond and Related Materials(in press) R. Kalish;C. Uzan-Saguy;B. Philosoph;V. Richter;J.P. Lagrange;E. Gheeraert;A. Deneuville;A.T. Collins
  31. Diamond and Related Materials v.4 G. Popovici;M.A. Prelas;T. Sung;S. Khasawinah;A.A. Melnikov;V.S. Varichenko;A.M. Zaitsev;A.V. Denisenko;W.R. Fahrner