- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.41 Toxicity and distrubution of cadmium administrated to rat at sublethal doses Kotsonis,F.N.;C.D.Klassen
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.53 Cadmium toxicity and lipid peroxidation in isolated rat hepatocytes Stacey,N.H.;L.R.Cantilena Jr.;C.D.Klassen
- Scand. J. Work Environ. Health v.13 Renal function of workers with low-level cadmium exposure Verschoor,M.;R.Herber;J.Van Hammen;A.Wibowo;R.Zielhuis
- Lab. Invest. v.32 The effect of acute cadmium administration in the lover and kidney of the rat Hoffmann,E.O.;J.A.Cook;N.R.Diluzio;J.A.Coover
- 啓明大 基礎科學 硏究論集 v.11 no.2 카드뮴 投與에 의한 생쥐 基部細尿管 上皮細胞의 微細構造的 變化 金珍錫;具本哲;金普淑
- Arch. Environ. Health v.24 Electron microscopic study of cadmium nephrotoxicity in the rat Nishzumi,M.
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.77 Cadmium-induced hepatic and renal injury in chronically exposed rat: Likely role of hepatic cadmium-metallothionein in nephrotoxicity Dudley,R.E.;N.R.Di Luzio;C.D.Klassen
- Arch. Environ. Health v.26 Bone changes in experimental chronic cadmium poisoning, Radiological and biological approaches Itokawa,Y.;T.Abe;S.Tanaka
- Biochem. J. v.230 Protective effect of metallothionein of cadmium toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes Din,W.S.;J.M.Frazier
- Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. v.136 no.2 Cadmium-induced fetal growth retardation: Protective effect of excess dietary zinc Ahokas,R.A.;P.V.Dilts,Jr.;E.B.LaHaye
- J. Biol. Chem. v.223 Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by cadmium ion Jacobs,E.E.;M.Jacob;D.R.Sanadi;L.B.Bradley
- 日衛誌 v.28 消化管におけるカドミウムの毒性, 特にカルシウムとりンの吸收障碍 について 菅原千枝子;菅原直毅
- 日衛誌 v.30 カドミウムの生體內動態に 關する 基礎的硏究 小泉直子
- 衛生化學 v.24 カドミウム含有クロレラ投與によるラツトのカドミウム吸收と排池 永野隆夫;渡邊與人郞;李間達二;祐田泰延;山本丈夫
- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.99 Accumulation of cadmium and cobalt by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Norris,P.R.;D.P.Kelly
- J. Bacteriol. v.95 Plasmid-liked resistance to inorganic salts in Saccharomyces aureus Novick,R.P.;C.Roth
- J. Bacteriol v.98 Naturally occuring penicillinase plasmids in Staphylococcus aureus Peyru,G.;L.F.Wexler;R.P.Novick
- J. Ferment. Technol. v.57 Uptake of cadmium chloride-tolerant bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Horitsu,H.;H.Kato;M.Tomoyeda
- 醱工 v.56 カドミウムイオン耐性菌の分離·同定と耐性細胞によるカドミウムイオン蓄積 小田雅夫;南ㅡ生
- 産業微生物學會誌 v.4 카드뮴의 耐性菌 分離 및 菌體內 蓄積 金永培;李瑞來
- 韓國營養食糧學會誌 v.8 카드뮴에 特異的인 耐性菌의 分離 朴燃性;催慶浩
- 産業微生物學會誌 v.7 重金屬 耐性菌株의 微生物學的 性質 兪大植
- Korea J. Microbiol. Bioeng. v.9 Cultural conditions of heavy metal ion tolerant microorganism and accumulation of heavy metal ion into the cells Yu,T.S.;H.I.Song
- Kor. Jour. Microbiol. v.24 Characterization of a cadmium-ion tolerant strain of Hansenula anomala Yu,T.S.;H.I.Song;K.T.Chung
- J. Bacteriol. v.144 Molecular mechanisms of accommodation in Escherichia bulgaricus Mitra,R.S.;R.H.Gray;B.Chin;I.A.Bernstein
- Microbios. v.15 Enzymatic activities of cadmium- and zinc-tolerant strains of Klebsiella (Aerobacter) aerogenes growing in glucose-limited chemostats Pickett,A.W.;I.S.Carter;A.C.R.Dean
- 衛生化學 v.26 Bacillus megaterium QM B1551の 增殖ならびに若干の酵素活性におよほす鹽化カドミウムの影響について 今川正良;西原 力;市川富夫;近藤雅臣
- Biochem. J. v.225 Purification and preliminary characterization of alcohol dehydrogenase from Aspergillus nidulans Creaser,E.H.;R.L.Porter;K.A.Britt;J.A.Pateman;C.H.Doy
- Biochem. v.22 Crystallization-induced modification of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase structure and function Zimmerle,C.T.;G.M.Alter
- Methods in Enzymology v.9 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase Marks,P.A.
- Methods in Enzymology v.42 Phosphofructokinase of yeast Stellwagen,E.;H.Wilgus
- Biochim. Biophys. Acta. v.591 Cytochrome α-type terminal oxidase derived from Thiobacillus novellus, molecular and enzymatic properties Yamanaka,T.;K.Fujii
- Agric. Biol. Chem. v.45 Multiple forms and some properties of alkaline phosphatase produced by Aspergillus oryzae on solid medium Sakurai,Y.;K.Toda;H.Shiota
- Agr. Biol. Chem. v.39 Purification of cytosine deaminase from Serratia marcescens Sakai,T;T.S.Yu,H.Tabe;S.Omata
- 慶北大學校 大學院 博士學位 論文 카드뮴 耐性 酵母에 關한 硏究 宋享翼
- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.63 Decreased uptake of cadmium by a resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus Chopra.I.
- Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Mikrobiologie v.17 Aufnahme von cobalt, brei und cadmium durch backerhefe Heldwein,R.;H.W.Tromballa;E.Broda
- 蛋白質·核酸·酵素 v.25 フラスミツド支配の水銀耐性機構とその遺傳的 解析 中原英臣
- Bacterial Rev. v.34 Pyrimidine metabolism in microorganism O'Donovan,G.A.;J.Neuhard
- 啓明大 基礎科學 硏究論集 v.6 Pyrimidine nucleotide 代謝系와 細菌 進化 兪大植