수중 비분리 콘크리트의 특성에 대한 기초적 연구

Fundamental Study on the Characteristics of Antiwashout Underwater Concrete

  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


In this study, the characteristics of antiwashout underwater concrete according to the using types of admixture were experimentally investigated. Especially, the comparison on the performance of seven types(CO-A, B, C, D, E, F, G) of the manufactured admixtures was carried out in the same mixing condition and proportions. Based on the results of experiments, the conclusions were summarized as follows : (1) The slump flow on most of specimens except by CO-F type were progressed very well. (2) In most of products, the measured values of suspensions, pH's and air contents were lower than their reference values. However, CO-B, CO-F and CO-G types exceeded the reference ones in suspension and pH. (3) The time lags between initial and final setting were about three hours in most of tests, however, the maximum difference of total setting time was ten hours in comparing with the admixture types. The unit weights were mostly lower than $2300kg/m^3$ and the compressive strengths cured by salt water were about 80% of the ones by fresh water. (4) Finally, in spite of some problems, most of the manufactured admixtures may be performed well their functions in antiwashout under-water concrete if the using quantities are properly controlled by the site experiments.



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