Energy Budget for Larval Development of Pandalus hypsinotus BRANDT

도화새우, Pandalus hypsinotus의 유생발생

  • Kim Dae-Hyun (Ulchin Hatchery, National Fisheries Research and Development Agency) ;
  • Lee Jeong-Jae (Department of Aquaculture, Cheju National University) ;
  • Park Kie-Young (Department of Fisheries Resource Development, Kangnung National University)
  • 김대현 (국립수산진흥원 울진수산종묘배양장) ;
  • 이정재 (제주대학교 증식학과) ;
  • 박기영 (강릉대학교 수산자원개발학과)
  • Published : 1996.05.01


Zoeal stage's larvae of pandalid shrimp Pandalus hypsinotus, is distributed off the East sea and esteemed as a valuable shrimp resource in Korea, were reared in $10^{\circ}C$ temperature-controlled chambers and inverstigated the energy budget. The total energy intake per larva of zoea I to VI stages fed on Artemia nauplii was 140.88 J. The energy loss by respiration, molting, and excretion were 16.22 J, 1.19 J, and 106,40 J, respectively. The amount of energy used by growth was 17.07 J. Pandalid larvae assimilated $24.47\%$ of the ingested food. The gross efficiency ($K_1$) calculated by the equation of (growth+exuviae)/ingestion $rate{\times}100$ was $12.96\%$, and the net growth rate ($K_2$) calculated by the equation of (growth rate + exuviae)/(growth rate+ exuviae+ respiration rate)${\times}100$ was $52.96\%$. The percentage used for somatic growth and maintenance among the assimilated energy were $49.51\%$ and $47.04\%$ respectively.

실험실에서 부화시킨 도화새우의 zoea 유생발달에 따른 섭식, 성장, 탈피 및 대사에 관한 에너지수지를 분석하였다. 도화새우의 zoea 전 유생기간중 섭식에 의한 총에너지는 140.88 J이었다. 이중 체성장에 사용된 에너지는 17.07 J이었고 호흡, 탈피 및 배설에 사용된 에너지는 각각 16.22 J, 1.19 J 및 106.40 J이었다. 섭식한 먹이에 대한 동화효율(assimilation efficiency, A/I)은 $24.47\%$였다. 성장으로 전환된 에너지의 총섭식에너지에 대한 백분률인 총성장효율(gross growth efficiency, $K_1$)과 성장으로 전환된 동화에너지에 대한 백분률인 순성장효을 (net growth efficiency, $K_2$)은 각각 $12.96\%$$52.96\%$ 였다. 동화에너지가 체성장과 대사에너지에 사용된 것은 각각 $49.51\%$$47.04\%$였다.
