A Numerical Analysis of Flow and Beat Transfer Characteristics of a Two-Dimensional Multi-Impingement Jet(I)

이차원 다중젯트의 유동 및 열전달 특성의 수치적 해석(I) -돌출열원이 없는 경우의 유동특성-

  • 장대철 (경북대학교 농업기계공학과) ;
  • 이기명 (경북대학교 농업기계공학과)
  • Published : 1995.03.01


A numerical study for a two dimensional multi-jet with crossflow of the spent fluid has been carried out. Three different distributions of mass-flow rate at 5 jet exits were assumed to see their effects upon the flow characteristics, especially in the jet-flow region. For each distribution, various Reynolds numbers ranging from laminar to turbulent flows were considered. Calculations drew the following items as conclusion. 1) The development of the free jets issued from downstream jets was hindered by the crossflow formed due to jets. Consequently, the free jet was developed into the channel flow without any evident symptom of impingement jet flow characteristics 2) The crossflow induced the pressure gradient along the cross section of jet exits and the value of the pressure gradient increased as going downstream. The crossflow generated also the turbulent kinetic energy as it collied with the downstream jets. 3) The skin friction coefficient along the impingement plate was affected more by the distribution of mass flow rate at jet exits rather than by the Reynolds number. The skin friction coefficient was inversely proportional to the square root of the Reynolds number, regardless of flow regime when a fully developed flow was formed in the jet flow region. 4) The distribution of the skin friction coefficient along the impingement plate was found to be controlled by adjusting the distribution of mass flow rate at jet exits.
