Ni/B/Ni 액상확산접합계의 액상폭에 관한 연구

A Study on the Width of Liquid Layer of Ni/B/Ni Diffusion Bonding System

  • ;
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  • Kang, C. S.
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


In order to study the bonding mechanism of Ni/B/Ni transient liquid phase bonding system, width of liquid layers were calculated, where in this system melting point of insert material(B) is higher than bonding temperature and melting point of base metal(Ni). Caclulated values were compared with experimental ones which were measured by bonding Ni/B/Ni system at 1433-1474K under vacuum atmosphere. As results, the width of initial liquid layer of Ni/B/Ni system was calculated as $W_{IL}$ = $W_{o}$[1 + {2.100..rho.$_{S/}$ ( $X_{3}$ + $X_{4}$)..rho.$_{Ni}$ }-.rho.$_{S/}$.rho. Ni/], and it was nearly same with experimental values. Maximum width of liquid layer, width of liquid layer during isothermal solidification and isothermal solidification time were calculated also.o.o.o.



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