백두산 자원식물 조사연구

Research on the plant Resources of Mt. Backdu

  • 발행 : 1994.05.01


This study was carried out in Mt. Backdu which is located at the borderland between Korea and China, to offer the information and help the people who in order to study and utilize the northernresource plants in future. Actually, the exploration and investigation were executed only in china sideof Mt. Backdu and its outskirts.Totally, 100 families, 281 genus and 703 species were investigated. They were classified into 26 spe-cies of pteridophyta, 14 species of gymnospermae, 101 species of monocotyledons and 562 species of di-cotyledons by general taxonomic classification, and 594 medicinal plants(84.5% ), 296 ornamentalplants(38.3% ), 161 edible plants(22.9% ), 92 industrial plants, 67 honey plants and 17 forage plantsby use.



  1. 白頭山 叢書(기상부문) 白頭山探險隊
  2. 白頭山 叢書(토양) 白頭山探險隊
  3. 백두산, 장백산 그리고 금강산 車鍾煥
  4. 東北藥用植物 朱有昌
  5. 長白山植物葯志 吉林省中醫中葯硏究所 外
  6. (장백산 동북부) 野生經濟植物志 金洙哲
  7. 中國 長白山 天然藥材 김학배;김정일
  8. 長白山 經濟植物 栽培技術 吉林省 延邊林學會
  9. 韓國植物分類學會誌 v.19 no.4 白頭山 植物相의 再檢討 李愚喆
  10. 白頭山의 꽃 李永魯
  11. 植物原色圖鑑 리현삼;리수진;박형선;김매근
  12. 延邊中草約 栽培 延邊中草約 栽培編纂委員會