메추리에서의 Newcastle균 바이러스 $B_1$백신의 효능시험

Efficacy of Newcastle Disease Virus $B_1$Vaccine in Quails

  • 박형철 (전남대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 최정옥 (전남대학교 수의과대학)
  • 발행 : 1992.03.01


The efficacy of B$_1$l live vaccine which is used successfully in chicken was examined against Newcastle disease in quails. A total of 480 male quails were divided into 4 groups, of which 3 groups were vaccinated via drinking water, eye instillation and spraying method and the remaining was employed as a nonvaccinated control group. At 3 weeks after the first vaccination a part of quails in each group was revaccinated. Efficacy of the vaccine was evaluated by the antibody responses and the protection rates after challenge with a virulent NDV. Vaccination of quails with $B_1$ NDV at 10 days of age resulted in beneficial effect compared to nonvaccinated group regardness of vaccination methods adopted although general protection rates were considerably low. Twice vaccination gave higher protection than once vaccination. Hemagglutination inhibition antibody responeses were significantly higher in groups of quails vaccinated by spray and eye instillation method than by drinking water administration. Antibody responses were marked at 2 weeks onward and until 5 to 7 weeks after vaccination. Antibody responses were rapid and marked after second vaccination. However, antibody level did not last longer than 5 to 7 weeks postvaccination. Vaccine caused no adverse effect on quails in terms of growth'rate, body temperature or clinical signs.
