溪流 生態系에 負荷된 버즘나무 落葉의 初期 分解

Study of initial decomposition of the littera of platanus orientalis in stream ecosystem

  • 발행 : 1992.08.01


Decomposition in the litteras of platanus orientalis was studied by month in the dam of seoul national university. total amounts of the litter had the tendency to decrease with the laps of the time. Those of crude protein and phosphate contents, however, increased much more than initial amounts. It was throught that the growth of aquatic microbes gave rise to increase them. Dry weight, organic matter and holocellulose tended to decreased gradually. But, the amount of calcium loss increased rapidly since march and then the amoung of potassium and sodium decreased slowly. It was thought that this changing pattern was ascribed to water temperature, the growth of aquaqtic microbes and the leaching of soluble parts by stream current.
