광릉 자연림에서의 교란체제와 수목의 재생

Disturbance regime and tree regeneration in kwangnung natural forest

  • 발행 : 1992.08.01


Disturbance regime and tree regeneration were studied in kwangnung natural forest, an old-growth deciduous hardwood forest located in central korea. This forest is dominated by carpinus laxiflora, c.erosa, and quercus species. The area occupied by canopy gaps was 4.6% of the total forested area, and the mean size of canopy gaps was 92 $m^2$ with the maximum being 524 $m^2$. More than half of the gaps were less than four years old, and 3/4 of the gaps were created by death of only or two canopy trees, indicating the dominance of small-sized gaps in kwangnung forest. about half of the gap-makers were c. laxiflora, and another one third were quercus species. In contrast, the most frequent relacers were c. laxiflora while quercus species filled only 5% of the gaps, suggesting a future shift in tree species composition under the current disturbance regime. tree regeration was more conspicuous even in small gaps than non-gaps regardless of shade-tolerance of tree species, indicating the importance of gaps in tree regeneration.
