대한기계학회논문집 (Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers)
- 제16권9호
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- Pages.1728-1735
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- 1992
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- 1225-5963(pISSN)
위상변이법과 디지탈 영상처리를 이용한 홀로그래피 간섭무늬의 정량적 해석
Quantitative Interpretation of Holographic Fringe by Using Phase Shifting Method and Digital Image Processing
본 연구에서는 실시간 홀로그래피 간섭계(real time holographic interfero- metry ststem)를 구성하고 위상변이법과 디지탈 영상처리를 이용하여 물체 변형을 실 시간으로 자동 측정이 가능하도록 하였다. 한편 광학계 구성과 대상물체의 상태에 따른 오차 요인을 해석하기 위해서 외팔보를 대상물체로 하여 측정된 변형값과 이론값 을 비교하였다. 응용예로써는 터빈 블레이드(turbine blade)에 굽힘력이 가해질때 나타나는 미소변형을 측정하였다.
Holographic interferometry technique has been used for the measurement of whole-field deformation with high sensitivity. However there are some difficulties in quantitatively analyzing the holographic fringes. Recently, quantitative and automatic fringe analysis by using phase shifting method in interferometry has been studied in many fields. In this paper, a real time holographic interferometry system and a phase shifting method combined with digital image processing technique are employed to record and quantitatively analyze holographic fringe patterns. To evaluate our system and analyze errors, comparison of measured deformation with theoretical deformation of cantilever beam was carried out. The accuracy of 4.5% in our system was verified We have tried to apply this method to quantitatively measure the deformation of turbine blade under the bending force.