수리 불가능한 품목의 수명교환을 위한 최적 재고정책

Optimal Stocking for Age-replaced Non-repairable Items

  • 발행 : 1989.12.01


Joint stocking and preventive age replacement policy is considered for non-repairable items assuming instantaneous replenishment. A recursive relationship among the optimal preventive replacement ages is obtained, which shows that the preventive replacement ages in a replenishment cycle form an increasing sequence due to the inventory carrying cost. Using this relationship, a procedure is given for determining how many units to purchase on each order and when to replace each unit after it has begun operating so as to minimize the total cost per unit time over an infinite time span. The problem can be simplified if equal preventive replacement ages are assumed, and the solution is very close to that of the original unconstrained problem.



  1. Mathematical Theory of Reliability Barlow,R.E.;Proschan,F.
  2. Operations Research v.16 no.3 Jointly Optimal Inventory and Maintenance Policies for Stochastically Failing Equipment Falkner,C.H.
  3. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly v.16 no.3 Optimal Spares for Stochastically Failing Equipment Falkner,C.H.
  4. Analysis of Inventory Systems Hadly,G.;Whitin,T.M.
  5. Chapter 15 in Studies in the Mathematical Theory of inventory and Production The Application of Renewal Theory to the Study of Inventory Policies Karlin,S.;K.J.Arrow;S.Karlin;H.Scarf
  6. Management Science v.20 no.2 On Characterizing the Extrema of a Function of Two Variables, One of Which Is Discrete Kumin,H.
  7. Management Science v.11 no.5 Maintenance Policies for Stochastically Failing Equipment: A Survey McCall,J.J.
  8. European Journal of Operational Research v.12 no.2 Age Replacement in the Presence of Inventory Constraints Mehrez,A.;Stulman,A.
  9. Operations Research v.29 no.6 Optimal Preventive Maintenance Policies for Repairable Systems Mguyen,D.G.;Murthy,D.N.P.
  10. International Journal of Systems Science v.8 no.10 An Ordering Policy with Random Lead Time Osaki,S.
  11. IEEE Transcations on Reliability v.R30 no.3 A Summary of Optimal Ordering Policies Osaki,S.;Kaio,M.;Yamada,S.
  12. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.R35 no.1 Ordering Policies under Minimal Repair Park,K.S.;Park,Y.T.
  13. European Journal of Operational Research v.23 no.3 Generalized Spare Ordering Policies with Random Lead Time Park,Y.T.;Park,K.S.
  14. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly v.23 no.3 A Survey of Maintenance Models: The Control and Surveillance of Deteriorating Systems Pierskalla,W.P.;Voelker,J.A.
  15. Applied Probability Model with Optimization Applications Ross,S.M.
  16. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly v.28 no.1 Optimal Maintenance Models for Systems Subject to Failure-A Review Sherif,Y.S.;Smith,M.L.
  17. Operations Research v.22 no.1 A Continuous Review(s,S) Inventory System with Arbitrary Interarrival Distribution between Unit Demand Sivazlian,B.D.
  18. European Journal of Operational Research v.2 no.6 An Optimal Ordering Policy for a Spare Unit with Lead Time Thomas,L.C.;Osaki,S.
  19. Technometrics v.9 no.4 A Minimum Cost Model of Spare Parts Inventory Control Wiggins,A.D.