선박소음이 인간지능력에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구


  • 발행 : 1975.09.01


1. 승선후 즉시 실험한 결과는 교실, 갑판, 기관실 순서로 음압이 높음에 따라 일반적으로 성적은 반비례 현상으로 떨어져 지능력에 장애를 받는 것을 알 수 있다. 2. 계산 능력 실험과 간편지능 검사는 송선 직후의 교실, 갑판, 기관실의 음압에 따른 장애 격차가 계속 20일 승선후에도 거이 같은 격차를 유지하고 있었다. 3. 지능검사에서는 정상적인 사람의 지능력은 승선후 3일이 경과한후 부터는 어느정도 선상 생활에 적응해 가는 것을 볼 수 있으나 3일후 부터 35일 사이에는 약간의 회복은 하였으나 급격한 차이는 없는것 같다. 4. 이 실험에서 사람과 사람 사이에 대화가 안될 소음(103dB)속에서는 많은 사고력을 필요로 하지않고 시각적으로 분류 판별이 쉽게 되는 문제는 서로 대화를 할 수 있는 소음(67dB)속에서 보다 능력이 월등하게 ($15\%$정도) 좋은 것을 알아낸 것은 예기치 못했던 결과였다.

This is an experimental study that aimed to find out a possible relationships between the noise of the ship and the intelligent quotient, and the creativity of the crew member during June 5, to August 24, 1975. The experiment was carried out on the university training ship, the Oh-Bae-San Ho(1,126 tons), and the Kwan-Ak-San Ho (243 tons) and the training ship Baek-Kyung Ho (380 tons) of Je-ju College, where the total number of 144 students engaged on their tasks of practical exercise. And the following results were obtained : The decreases of I.Q. was evident as compared to the score obtained at the class room; soon after the embarking of the ship, the students on the deck decreased the score by $7\%$ of what they obtained at the class room while the students in the engine room decreased by $13\%$. The I.Q. was regaining the normal state after three days of embarking seemingly showing the fact that the students became adapted to the noise of the ship, but no remarkable improvement was visible during the period of 3 days to 35 days on the ship. One of the remarkable fact that had not been expected was that the problems for audio discernment was much easily solved in the midst of noise that made oral communication impossible (102 dB) than in the place of noise where conversation was possible(67 dB).
