진해만 해수의 부영양화와 클로로필 분포


  • 발행 : 1975.09.01


1) 클로로필 a 량은 마산만이 $4.10-25.16\;mg/m^3$ 범위에 평균 $13.27\;mg/m^3$로 가장 높은 분포를 보였으며 진해화학공장이 위치한 행암만은 $0.52-8.27\;mg/m^3$에 평균 $4.29\;mg/m^3$로 인근 낙동강 하구의 $3.12-5.73\;mg/m^3$ 보다 평균 $4.46mg/m^3$보다 낮았으며 굴양식장이 많은 거제만이 $0.65-5.00mg/m^3$에 평균 $2.23mg/m^3$로 가장 낮은 분포를 보였다. 8) 영양염류의 N/P값이 12이상되는 마산만과 낙동강 하구에서는 영양염량의 증가와 클로로필 a 량의 증가는 비례하고 있었으나 진해화학 공장여수의 영향이로 N/P값이 2 이하로 낮은 행암만 및 진해만 내해역에서는 영양염류량의 증가와 클로로필 a 량과는 일정한 상관관계가 없었고 인산염량이 과도하게 많은 행암만에서는 오히려 클로로필 a 량이 더 적은 결과을 보였다. 3) 마산만에서는 부영양화로 인해 적조가 발생하여 저층에는 빈산소 수괴를 형성하고 있었다.

Chlorophyll a content in marine phytoplankton and nutrient in seawater were determined to study the influence of eutrophication of Jinhae Bay area on primary production. Sampels were taken in the surface layer and bottom of 21 stations in Jinhae Bay including Masan Bay and Hengam Bay, ana adjacent waters such as Geoje Bay and the estuary of Naktong River for refrence during summer Period in 1974. Chlorophyll a content was ranged from $0.52\;mg/m^3\;to\;25.16\;mg/m^3$ in whole area. Mean value of chlorophyll a was the highest in Masan Bay and the lowest in GeojeBay. It was noteworthy that chlorophyll a content of Hengam Bay was not much higher than that of neighboring ares and rather lower than that of the estuary of Naktong River in spite of high phosphate content. Linear relationship between increase of nutrients and chlorophyll a was found in Masan Bay and the estuary of Naktong River where N/P ratio of nutrients was over 12. This relationship however could not be found in most area of Jinhae Bay where N/P ratio of nutrients was lower than 2 which might due to the wastewater from the Chemical Fertilizer plant. Red tide and low dissolved oxygen waters due to eutrophication were observed during summer period in Masan Bay.
